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A high performance advisory program for leveraging your time, business, and profits with the help of Dan Smith's

professional investor strategies


The 3 objectives of the Boardroom of Profitable Leaders:  


1. Increase EBITDA 2X+ and free up two days/week for you

2. Build an exitable business that ultimately works without you

3. Experience the benefits you envisioned when you started your business


We will not try to sell you on applying for Boardroom.  We will simply share with you who it is for - and who it is NOT for.  If you’re an established business owner and are open to guidance in growing quickly and efficiently, it is possible this is for you.


Fully review the following before you apply as this program may not be for you.



Suitability criteria of each member


There is a qualification process for each business in Boardroom. I personally deliver the program.  I will ensure that you are ready and (because of my guarantee below) that you will implement what you commit to.  We target our processes to highly committed owners that desire to achieve the three objectives.


This group is for the most committed business owners in the world.  It is intense and requires a high level of internal and external work.  It produces profound results, yet, it is not for everyone.



Who it is not for


  • Business owners that think they have it all figured out

  • Start-ups with a great new idea/product and no concern for the bottom-line

  • Companies with less than $1 million in annual revenue or less than three employees

  • Large companies – if you have more than $10 million in net income, contact us and we will discuss a different program

  • Business owners that are unwilling to take a close look at how they lead the organization.



Who it is for


  • Ambitious owners who are up to something in the world

  • Diligent owners, willing to do what it takes to multiply their profits in a short period of time

  • Owners desiring more balance in their work/personal life 

  • Team players – this program is give-and-take

  • Those willing to invest the time and work required to create an exitable business

  • Owners willing to reevaluate everything about themselves to get what they want

  • People we enjoy being with




The program is a combination of phone/video sessions, accelerated training, group input, and 1:1 support.  The program is built upon delivering world-class investor strategies.





This program is not cheap, and it’s worth a lot more than the investment.  The more you put in, the more you will get out.  Firms using our strategies have created hundreds of millions of dollars in net income and valuation increases.


Understandably, you currently don’t know that these methods are going to work for you. I find it easier to guarantee the results than attempt to help you understand how we deliver these results.


The guarantee: if you fully commit yourself to our processes and ways of being, I will guarantee at least 3X return on your investment.  If you implement everything and do not get a minimum of 3X return for each year you are in the program, I will refund that year’s annual fee.



What to do now


You can request an application via email by using the button below.  I will review your application and do a little bit of homework. You can count on me to respond quickly if I sense that we may be a fit.


The next step will be scheduling a 1:1 Conversation with me and all key decision-makers on your team. We will evaluate where you are, who you are, and if you are a great fit for the others in the group.

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  • Dan Patrick Smith

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